

Izzy said...

Wow. Just occasionally, I come across something that stops me dead in my tracks. This has. I have bookmarked this so when my lace knitting is being naughty, I can come & look at yours. A year in the knitting. That inspires me, too, to keep going 1 stitch at a time. It is...just wow.

Laritza said...


Tracy said...

Truely gorgeous.

SYLVIE said...

That looks absolutely lovely! You've done a great job!

Reluctant Penguin said...

Wow! This is breathtaking! Contratulations on a job extremely well done!

Mimma said...

I have to agree with Izzy...that is a mouth dropping, stop dead in your tracks, beautiful piece. You are such an inspiration.

Tonni said...

WOW!!!! Gorgeous shawl. You are doing exactly what I want to do when I grow up :) Retire and knit! Congratulations for completing such a beautiful project.

Helen Knits said...

Congratulations! It's very beautiful, you did a great job.

Laura said...

Your post on KnitU just led me to your blog. What a stunning shawl, bravo!

AnneS said...

Anne (Nancy Groff's knitting cousin)

Nonna Rose said...
